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The Finish More Music Podcast

Jan 27, 2020

Imagine finishing a track, thinking it’s a banger and finally, sending it out to a label. Only to be told one week later…

“Sorry, not for us.”

Rejection isn’t pleasant, nobody enjoys being rejected, but we can choose to learn from it rather than taking the rejection hard and letting it fuel negative emotions and...

Jan 20, 2020

I’m sure you have felt this before…. 


You’re sitting in your studio, trying to get your work done but for some reason you’re just not into it.


You’re distracted, you’re procrastinating, but you can’t really work out why….


It feels like there is a silent assassin that is sabotaging your focus,...

Jan 13, 2020

This week, I have something super special for you. An exclusive interview for you that I conducted inside the Finish More Music Community with Techno DJ producer and label owner…


I expect you already more than know who Roberto is, but just in case…

Roberto has an impressive discography, with production...

Jan 6, 2020

This week we have something very different for you!

In this episode I'm going to play you a DJ mix created by one of our FMM members, Harvi Bhogal


This DJ mix features music purely created by our FMM members that were submitted to our monthly members track feedback event.


This is one of our main events inside of FMM....