Aug 31, 2020
When we try new things, we imagine new ideas. And when we imagine new ideas, we try to make them a reality. And whenever we do that, failure is inevitable.
If we’re going to succeed at anything that’s important to us, failure will be an inherent ingredient to that success.
Yet so many people are terrified of making...
Aug 24, 2020
As much as we’d all like to think so, you can’t win at music. You can’t win at art. And you can’t win at life.
It just doesn’t work like that, so why do so many of us treat our music like it does?
Treating every single track, label submission, or particular goal like it's the be-all and end-all of the world -...
Aug 17, 2020
Imposter syndrome - it’s not just a case of self-doubt.
It's that persistent, nagging feeling of being a fraud, or feeling like you don't belong, which makes you devalue your worth and undermines the things that you’ve achieved and what you’re capable of.
And despite all the evidence that’s there for you to...
Aug 10, 2020
Nobody wants to be vanilla, boring, same old, same old, or to be a second version of somebody else.
We all want all our music to have a piece of ourselves in it, to be unique, and to be original in some way.
While originality is something that we all strive towards as artists, it’s important to realise that it’s...
Aug 3, 2020
I’ve noticed a growing trend popping up in many aspects of life, and that’s ENTITLEMENT.
“I DESERVE this”, “you MUST give me that”.
When demands get thrown around, more often than not this will be met by disappointment and resentment.
No more so does this occur than in the relationship between artists...