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The Finish More Music Podcast

Jul 25, 2022

In this second part of our reactions podcast, we dig into a topic that is continuously raising its ugly head…time.


This is an area that relates to all of us and brings with it all kinds of anxiety…


Are you spending more time than you need to on your music and how can you save time?


Are you focusing on...

Jul 18, 2022

What is influencing your music? Are you stealing like a thief or an artist?


Has your sound found you yet?and just what is YOUR sound?


This week’s podcast saw a return of the Team Takeover with Terra and Rob finding their way back into the podcast hot seat.


Diving back into some of the earliest episodes and...

Jul 12, 2022

If you could jump back in time and share one life lesson with your younger self what would it be?


If you’re like most people, chances are you’ve caught yourself saying “if only I’d known that years ago…”


And when it comes to music production there are some impactful lessons that have the potential to...

Jul 4, 2022

Disruption can hit our lives at any time and in many different ways, creating a world of pain.


Maybe you’re moving house, or welcoming a new family member…


Perhaps you’re changing jobs, or getting a promotion...


Or maybe it’s exams, a new course, or unexpected travel.


These situations happen to all of us...